You are worthy of partnership and peace
All that glitter ain’t gold? We can relate…
You grind! You were promised happiness in return for your hard work, but all you found was more hard work. Attaining success is work, maintaining success is work, marriage is work, family is work, friends are work— and on top of all that work, the community expects you to give back… which is even more work! We can relate. Have several seats, spill the tea, and let us help you get your life together.
Our approach is relational
We help you re-story problematic thinking and behaviors by examining the relationship you have with yourself and other people; as well as how socio-cultural realities in the world writ large mediate those relationships. Our approaches are rooted in empirical scientific inquiry, but presented in easy-to-understand, casual, and relatable styles of communication. We get in where we fit in to ensure a bespoke plan for mental health care— even if it doesn’t include us. We want to ensure you get the best possible help for your specific needs, so we refer you out to others if we don’t have a clinician with the experience and expertise to transform your life.
Our specializations
Our clinicians spend years training in clinically proven therapeutic modalities for work with families, couples, and individuals. We hold certifications in Gottman Method Couples Therapy; and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for families (EFFT), couples (EFCT), and self (EFIT). Additionally, we take an eclectic approach by integrating other well-researched and culturally responsive therapeutic modalities.
Developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this behavioral method of couples therapy is rooted in over 40 years of clinical research with over 70k couples. This approach focuses on observable behaviors that can be modified to decrease the markers for divorce, namely destructive communication patterns. At CPP we love Gottman’s skill building interventions, and their comprehensive assessment process that ensures we can create a precise and bespoke treatment plan that suits the needs of each couple.
EFT was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson in the 80s. It has been extensively researched since then; and proven effective across a broad range of populations. This approach focuses on how we attach to ourselves (EFIT), our spouse (EFT), or our family (EFFT). At CPP we love how using this methodology helps our clients understand their own attachment needs and fears (and how those needs and fears impact their behaviors); as well as disrupt destructive behavioral patterns in their close relationships.
This is the therapy our practice is founded on; and has its roots in feminism and relational-cultural theory. It was developed by Jean Baker Miller in the 70s, and furthered by a cool multicultural group of women. This approach emphasizes the ways in which our society and culture socialize us to value independence and productivity at the cost of connection. We love how this therapy teaches us that we are all connected, and that the mark of true growth is loving and being loved.
This therapy was developed by social workers, David Epstein and Mark White, in the 80s. It focuses on the stories we tell about ourselves and the world; and how those internal narratives impact our behavior and understanding. At CPP we use this therapy a lot to help our clients become the author of their own story.
All of the therapies that CPP offers are rooted in psychoanalytic theory. This approach seeks to tie your internal, and often unconscious, drives to your outward behavior in a way that makes sense and is comfortable for you.
Humanistic therapies are rooted in the theory of humanism. This theory is rooted in our very present and pressing physical reality; and aims to empower people to be their own change agents instead of waiting for others to change the world for them. At CPP we believe you should be in the driver’s seat of your own life— continuously advocating for yourself.
Existential therapy is rooted in…you guessed it! Existentialism. This theory exposes the tension between a person’s individual autonomy and the structures that limit it (i.e. cultural, spiritual, or physical boundaries). We love this approach to therapy at CPP because often it is not us that is the “problem”, it is the systems we interact with.
This theory, and therapeutic modality, conceptualizes people in a family as a system that is constantly tryin to maintain a certain type of balance called homeostasis. This “balance” can be good, or it can be destructive. At CPP we identify these ways in which family systems are seeking to maintain the status quo; and then we join with the family to disrupt negative balances.
This Includes:
We aren’t kidding when we say we are relational experts. We actually take the time and money to invest into ourselves, so we can pour into you.
Statement of Beliefs
Our Guiding Principles
Do you boo! We aren’t here to stop your shine or change your flow— unless you ask us to. You should live life on your own terms; and do what makes you happy. We don’t judge, you have our unconditional positive regard.
Your time and money are valuable, finite resources; and you don’t deserve to have them waisted. That’s why we believe in using an educational approach to care with researched based interventions, specific and measurable treatment goals, and an upfront plan for terminating services with us when you’re ready to move on. We believe in providing fish, while also teaching you to fish. So you can eat good with or without us.
You’re going through it, but you can’t skip this chapter, or the next won’t have any foundation. Discomfort is necessary for growth. Though conflict in life is unavoidable, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing something wrong. Sometimes you have to drink from a bitter cup so, you can identify sweet water when you taste it. Our goal is to help you through obstacles or conflict, so you can enjoy partnership and peace.
You deserve a tribe of support. In the modern world it can be difficult to organically find your village. Connect with us, and we can help you connect to community. We yo people ‘nem; and we got your back.
You’re talented! You acquired skills as you learned to navigate society. Those skills absolutely helped you survive in a dangerous and chaotic world. You can never unlearn what you’ve already learned, but you can learn new things. If your skill set no longer serves your purpose or goals; we can help you acquire new ones— so you can get while the getting is good.
You’re a social being. Scrolling on social media is not a substitution for genuine friendships. Career success is not a substitution for a loving spouse. We believe in the importance of human connection; and want to help you live good in real life.
You are entitled to rest. Your body is ancient, but the modern optimization of it is not. There aren’t enough atomic habits in the world to replace sleep, eating soul food, laughing with friends, and being loved on by family. We believe you don’t have to earn rest, you deserve it just because you exist.
We go way back
CPP’s Non-Clinical Friend Group
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